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How a Local Digital Marketing Agency Hired a Webflow Developer

The Challenge: Finding Affordable and Skilled Talent

DigitalBoost faced two main problems: the high cost of hiring locally and the scarcity of Webflow experts in their area. They needed a developer who was not only good at using Webflow but also understood how to create websites that attract customers.

TalentHaul's Solution: Looking Beyond Local Borders

TalentHaul suggested looking for candidates in Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and Latin America (LATAM). These regions are known for having many skilled tech professionals who often charge less than those in the US.

Understanding DigitalBoost's Requirements: First, TalentHaul worked closely with DigitalBoost to understand exactly what they needed in a Webflow developer.

Searching for Candidates: TalentHaul used its network to find potential candidates from CEE and LATAM with the right skills.

Checking Candidate Quality: They carefully checked each candidate's work and skills. This included looking at their past web design projects and testing their English language skills.

Arranging Interviews: TalentHaul set up interviews between DigitalBoost and the best candidates, taking care of the time differences and communication.

Handling the Hiring Process: After DigitalBoost chose the developer they liked best, TalentHaul took care of the hiring details, making sure everything was done correctly according to international employment laws.

The Result: A Successful Hire from Argentina

In just 14 days, DigitalBoost hired a Webflow developer from Argentina. This developer was not only skilled in Webflow but also brought new design ideas to the team. The cost was also lower than hiring someone with similar skills in the US.

Benefits of the Hire:

Quicker Hiring: The process took only 14 days, much faster than the usual 30 days.

Saving Money: DigitalBoost saved about 35% on hiring costs compared to hiring a similar professional in the US.

Good Team Fit: The new developer fit well into the DigitalBoost team, adding technical know-how and creative ideas.

What DigitalBoost Learned:

Global Talent is Valuable: This experience showed that looking outside the local market can be a good solution for finding specialized skills at a lower cost.

New Perspectives are Beneficial: Having a team member from a different cultural background brought fresh ideas to their projects.

Efficient Hiring Processes Help: TalentHaul's method made it easier and faster for DigitalBoost to find the right person.

Conclusion: Expanding Options with TalentHaul

DigitalBoost's experience with TalentHaul highlights the benefits of looking internationally for talent. This approach can give access to a wider range of skills and save money, which is important for growth and innovation in digital marketing.

About DigitalBoost: Based in Austin, Texas, DigitalBoost is a digital marketing agency helping small and medium businesses improve their online presence. They offer web design, SEO, and social media marketing services, focusing on creativity and engaging customers.


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