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How an Apple Watch Fitness App Hired a Social Media Manager


Our client, a growing fitness app company in Boston, faced challenges hiring a Social Media Manager due to the competitive talent market in the city. High salary demands and tough competition made it difficult for the company to attract the right talent. Enter TalentHaul, connecting the company with skilled professionals from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and Latin America (LATAM), providing a cost-effective and efficient hiring process.


Through TalentHaul, the company successfully hired Juan from Mexico, an experienced Social Media Manager. This led to increased online presence and engagement, saving up to 50% in annual salary expenses.


The client needed a tech-savvy Social Media Manager familiar with fitness communities, but the local talent pool was either too expensive or already hired by larger tech companies. The high living costs in Boston further strained the company's budget.

Why TalentHaul

Faced with these challenges, the fitness app company chose TalentHaul for its track record in swiftly providing high-caliber talent from CEE and LATAM, where tech talent is abundant and more affordable. TalentHaul's promise to deliver within 14 days aligned with the client's urgent need.

How TalentHaul Delivered

We quickly identified potential matches from its extensive database, facilitated remote interviews, and presented a shortlist of candidates within ten days. The ideal candidate, Juan from LATAM, with a strong background in tech startups and building online communities around health and fitness products, stood out.

Onboarding and Integration

TalentHaul assisted with the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition for the remote position. Regular check-ins were scheduled to ensure Juan integrated well into the team.


Juan's impact was immediate, with increased social media engagement tailored to the Apple Watch user community. The company estimated a 50% savings compared to hiring locally, without compromising on work quality.

TalentHaul's success in connecting companies with global talent showcases its access to a diverse talent pool, cost-effective hiring, and speed in delivering quality candidates.

### Conclusion

TalentHaul's effective solution to hiring challenges in high-cost areas like Boston is highlighted through the success story of connecting a fitness app company with Juan, a LATAM-based Social Media Manager. By leveraging global talent pools, companies can save costs and gain access to skilled professionals, driving growth and innovation.




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