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How a Microbrewery Hired a Senior Sales Rep


In the heart of Portland, Oregon, HopCraft, a small yet ambitious microbrewery, was making a name in the craft beer world. Their unique beers were growing in popularity, but they faced a crucial challenge: they needed an experienced Senior Sales Representative to help expand their market. This is where we, TalentHaul, stepped in. Known for connecting businesses with skilled professionals from Central Eastern Europe (CEE) and Latin America (LATAM), we were ready to help.

The Challenge: HopCraft's Quest for Talent

HopCraft was eager to grow, but finding the right talent within their budget and timeframe was tough. They encountered several challenges:

  • Steep Salary Expectations: The U.S. market, especially on the West Coast, is known for high salary demands for experienced sales professionals.
  • Limited Local Talent: Portland's craft beer scene is saturated, making it difficult to find available and suitable talent.
  • Urgency for the Right Fit: HopCraft needed someone who could quickly integrate into their team and drive sales.

Our Approach: Global Talent, Local Impact

Upon partnering with HopCraft, we took the following steps:

  • Understanding Their Needs: We spent time understanding HopCraft's culture, values, and the specific skills needed for the role.
  • Expanding the Search: We utilized our extensive network in CEE and LATAM, areas known for skilled yet often overlooked professionals.
  • Rigorous Screening: We ensured candidates not only had the necessary skills but also matched HopCraft's culture and language requirements.

The Solution: A Perfect Match from Argentina

Our search led us to Elena Rodriguez, an outstanding sales professional from Argentina. Her experience in beverage sales, understanding of the craft beer market, and bilingual skills made her an ideal match for HopCraft.

Integration and Cultural Synergy

Elena's addition to the HopCraft team was smooth and transformative. She brought her professional prowess and a fresh cultural perspective, enhancing the team's dynamics and reach.

Operational Benefits and Market Expansion

Elena's impact was immediate and far-reaching:

  • Cost Efficiency: Hiring Elena resulted in significant savings compared to local U.S. candidates.
  • Market Growth: Her insights and bilingual abilities opened new markets for HopCraft in the U.S. and Latin America.
  • Diverse Team Dynamics: Elena's diverse background brought new ideas and approaches to the team.

Our Role: More Than Just Recruitment

Our involvement didn't stop at recruitment. We supported both Elena and HopCraft throughout the transition, ensuring a seamless integration. This included:

  • Ongoing Support: Regular follow-ups to address any challenges and maintain alignment.
  • Cultural Integration Assistance: Resources and workshops to facilitate mutual adaptation.
  • Performance Tracking: Monitoring Elena's contributions to HopCraft's sales and growth.

Long-term Impact: The Power of Global Talent

Elena's story at HopCraft highlights the untapped potential of global talent. By choosing us, HopCraft not only filled their immediate need but also gained a broader perspective on workforce diversity and global talent advantages.

Conclusion: Our Impact on HopCraft's Growth

Our partnership with HopCraft was a strategic move that boosted their business significantly. By tapping into global talent, they could expand, diversify their team, and save costs. This story illustrates how small and medium-sized businesses can benefit greatly from looking beyond local talent pools.




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